She said she has been discouraged by her recent performances and lost her drive to compete.
discourageは「がっかりさせる、落胆させる」で、ここでは受け身でbe discouraged by ...となっていますので、「~によって落胆させられる」つまり「~に落胆する」です。
drive (仕事を進めていく)迫力、気力、勢力
a man with great drive 迫力にあふれる人
衝動、本能的欲求 the sex drive
☆be impressed by 感動する
I am sure that you will be impressed by how my son has grown.
☆for now とりあえず、今のところ、当面、さしあたり
=for the time beign
so far ここまで、これまでのところ
☆for ~の割には He looks old for his age
☆go on to ~ その後~する
She went on to finish sixth in the 2014 Sochi Games.
she has no regrets about her career and wants to move on with a smile.
move onは「先に進む」という句動詞