pomodoroさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
× What went wrong?
x What way is wrong? (wen -way is)
× How long does it take to get there?
How long does (it) take to get there?
× Even so, questions about your age, gender, marital status, religion or politics are out of bounds.
x Even so, question(s) (about your age,gender,martial status,religion or politic(s) are (out of bounds)
× Sorry for the short notice.
x Sorry has short notice. (for the -has)
x- What is Naples famous for?
× Do you work out often?
x Do you walk out often? (work - walk)
× Her face burned with shame.
xHer face burng sheam. (burned with - burng sheam)
× Carried out every 20 years, this is called Shikinen Sengu.
x Carried out every 20 years,this is (called) Shikinen Sengu.
× From which platform is the train bound for Gogakuru Station departing?
x A which platform is the train down Gogakuru Station departie?
(down -bound for) (departing - departie)
× Let's take the train that leaves at three.(that leaves at - the leave)
× I've got a lot on my plate today. ( non l'ho sentito affatto)
x What is play today.
× It's an interesting plan, but it would be hard to carry out.
x It's (an)interesting plan,what have been carry out.
l'11 aprile Lezione 5 テキストがないから、あとで確認すること。
Andrea,tu in Giappone,dove vuoi andare?
Io voglio andare a Hokkaido in inverno in treno.
E tu,Fiore?
Io invece voglio andare a Kanazawa in Shinkansen in autunno.
In Giappone,che cosa vuoi fare?
Voglio visitare tante citta'.
Per esempio?
Uhm...sicuramente Kyoto e Hiroshima,ma vorrei anche andare in posti poco conosciuti.
Devi andare a Kanazawa,perche' e' la mia citta'.
Allora,ci vado di sicuro.
Devi visitare il giardino Kenrokuen,perche' e' molto bello.
Deve partecipare al festival della neve,perche' e' molto interessante.
Deve provare le terme,perche' sono molto belle.
Voglio andare a una citta' poco conosciuta.
Allora,devi andare a Kanazawa.
Voglio visitare una citta' piccola.
Allora,devi visitare Kamakura.
Vogliamo andare in una citta' antica.
Allora,dovete andare a Nara.