

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(may24'24) first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)


It would keep church in check, at least for the time being and modernize the country - build roads, and promote education and public health; a certain amount had been done in this direction even during the war. Franco, on the other hand, in so far as he was not merely the puppet of Italy and Germany, was tied to the big feudal landlords and stood for a stuffy clerico-military reaction. The popular front might be a swindle, but Franco was an anachronism. Only millionaires or romantics could want him to win.

その政府は、少なくとも当分、教会を抑制し国の近代化を図るであろう ー たとえば、道路を建設し、教育や公衆衛生を促進するであろう。現に、戦争中ですら、ある程度のことは行なわれてきたのだ。それに反し、フランコは、たんなる、イタリアやドイツの傀儡(かいらい)でない限り、封建的大地主と結託しようとし、古くさい教権的軍国主義的反動勢力の代表となるわけである。人民戦線なんてものはペテンだろうが、フランコのほうは時代錯誤(アナクロ)だ。フランコが勝ってくれればよいという気になれるのは、百万長者かロマンチックな連中ぐらいのものだ。

Moreover, there was the question of the international prestige of Fascism, which for a year or two past had been haunting me like nightmare. since 1930 the Fascists had won all the victories; it was time they got a beating, it hardly nattered from whom. If we could drive Franco and his foreign mercenaries into the sea it might make an immense improvement in the world situation, even if Spain itself emerged with a stiffing dictatorship and all its best men in jail. For that alone the war would have been worth winning.


This was how I saw things at the time. I may say that I now think much more highly of the Negrin Government than I did when it came into office. It has kept up the difficult fight with splendid courage, and it has shown more political tolerance than anyone expected. But I still believe that - unless Spain splits up with unpredictable consequences - the tendency of the post-war Government is bound to be Fascistic. Once again I let this opinion stand, and take the chance that time will do to me what it done to most prophets.

あのころの私は、事態をこんなふうに見ていたのだった。私は、ネグリン政府を、それが政権の座についたあのころより、今はもっと高く評価している、と言ってよい。ネグリン政府は、すばらしい勇気をもってこのむずかしい戦争を続けており、期待にまさる政治的寛容をみせている。しかし、それでも、私はやはり ー スペインが分裂して思いがけない結果にでもならないかぎり ー 戦後にできる政府の傾向は、きっとファシズム寄りだろう、という気がしてならない。私はもう一度この意見をこのまま保留しておいて、多くの予言者と同じく、はたしてそれが当たるかどうか時が決めてくれるのを待とうと思う。

We had just reached the front when we heard that Bob Smillie, on this way back to England, had been arrested at the frontier, taken down to Valencia, and thrown into jail. Smillie had been in Spain since the previous October. He had worked for several months at the P.O.U.M. office and had been joined the militia when the other I.L.P. members arrived for, on the understanding that he was to do three months at the front before going back to England to take part in a propaganda tour. It was some time before we could discover what he had been arrested for. He was being kept incommunicado, so that not even a lawyer could see him. In Spain there is - at any rate in practice - no habeas corpus, and you can be kept in jail for months at a stretch without even being charged, let alone tried. Finally we learned from a released prisoner that Smillie had been arrested for 'carrying arms'. The arms', as I happened to know, were two hand-grenades of the primitive type used at the beginning of the war, which he had been taking home to show off at his lectures, along with shell splinters and other souvenirs. The charges and fuses had been removed from them - they were mere cylinders of steel and completely harmless. It was obvious that this was only a pretext and that he had been arrested because of his known connexion with the P.O.U.M.

われわれは、前線へ着くとすぐ、ボブ・スマイリーがイギリスへ帰国する途中、国境で逮捕され、ヴァレンシアへ護送されて投獄されたということを聞いた。スマイリーは、昨年の十月からスペインに来ていた。POUMの事務所で数か月働いた後、独立労働党(ILP)の他の連中がやって来たとき、宣伝旅行に加わるために帰国するまで三か月ほど前線に出ている、という条件付きで、義勇軍に入隊したのだった。なぜ彼が逮捕されたのか、かなりのあいだその理由がわからなかった。何しろ独房入りで面会を禁止されていたため、弁護士でさえ彼に会えなかったのだ。スペインには ー 少なくとも事実上 ー 人身保護令状は存在しないので、裁判どころか、起訴もなしに、何か月も投獄されっぱなし、という場合があるのだ。とどのつまり、スマイリーが「武器携帯」罪で逮捕されたことを、釈放されて来た者を通じてやっと知った。たまたまわかったのだが、その「武器」というのは、砲弾の破片やそのほかの記念品とともに、講演の際に聴衆に見せるために持ち帰ろうとしていた、戦争の初めごろに使用された原始的な型の二発の手榴弾だったのだ。装薬や信管は抜いてあるので ー 要するに、ただの鋼鉄の円筒で、何の害もないしろものだった。明らかに、それはたんなる口実で、彼がPOUMに関係していることが知れわたっていたために逮捕されたのだ。

Barcelona fighting had only just ended and authorities were at that moment, extremely anxious not to let anyone out of Spain who was in a position to contradict the official version.







