すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ I was wearing a costume when you came in.
○ I like both, but... I prefer pop music to jazz.
× I play the rhythm guitar in our band, but lately... I wonder if I should stay in the band or not.
× I was not lying when I said that.
× Can you see my screen?
× I'll email you later.
× I want to be better than any other violinist in the world.
× I've known Megan for a long time.
× I have been learning the rules of chess.
○ If I were you, I would keep practicing.
○ My phone battery has died, so I can't use it at all.
× She can run the fastest of all the characters.
× She called very early, but the tickets had already sold out.
× Wait, were you traveling through time?
× I'll have played all of his sonatas when I perform that.
○ The cruise ship has Wi-Fi.
× I was watching you.
× I would rather play video games than practice the guitar.