すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ What's wrong?
× When is it?
× Got it!
まるごと1年分!「おとなの基礎英語(2016)」全75フレーズ リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
× Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
× I'm afraid of heights.
○ It's going to be fun!
○ I couldn't have done it without your help.
○ By the way, how long does it take to get there?
× When is the right time to do it?
○ I'd like a room with an ocean view.
○ How did you know?
○ I want to buy some stamps.
○ Do you often come here?
まるごと1年分!「おとなの基礎英語(2016)」全75フレーズ 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× When is the right time to do it?
○ I'm sorry I'm late.
○ I'd like to ask you something.
× I have a headache.
○ Can I have two more?