語彙力診断テスト レベル20(13001~14000)6位 スコア135.8
due 支払期限の来た 満期の
as drunk as a skunk ひどく酔って ぐでんぐでんに酔払った
implicit 暗に示された 言わず語らずの 暗黙の
英訳間違い 6問
He can be a bit strict sometimes, though.
though 「~なんだけどね」と付け足す感じ
I'm sorry, but Emily has sent her apologies.
send one's apologies 欠席することを知らせる
1) The report was conveyed all the way up the chain of command.
all the way up the chain of command 指揮系統の最上部にまで
2) The efficacy of the new medical treatment was proven by multiple scientific trials. scientific trials 臨床試験
3) Did you know they contain an estimated five trillion pieces of it?
trillion 兆
4) Our online reputation is really critical to our business, isn't it?
critical to ~に重要である
ニュースで英会話 2009 6/22 リスニング
1) The criminal's story had many contradictions in it. criminal's → criminal
2) The cat scrambled up the tree to escape the dog.
scramble よじ登る はい登る 綴りミス