Interview with a Dog Sitter ドッグシッターとの面接
★Apply it!★
I grew up with dogs.
情報を伝える表現。grow up with...(・・・と一緒に育つ)は、「・・・を食べて・聞いて・見て育った」という意味にもなり、成長の糧となった様々なものを続けることができます。
★Write It!★
解答例:A man is having an interview for a dog sitting job.He is a certified dog trainer and has a very impressive background./resume.
dog sitting job : ドッグシッター業[飼い主が留守の間、犬の世話をする仕事]
certified... : 公認・・・
impressive background/resume : 立派な経歴
miona-chanさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ Whatever I say, she won't believe it.
○ Last night, she stayed at work late so she could complete the report.
○ Because of the bankruptcy, the bank has a claim on his house.
○ Mr. Miki called in to say that he is not feeling well. He won't be coming today.
○ You're not supposed to take videos here.