返事 感情 あいづち つなぎの一言 Part1 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Oh, yes, indeed!
○ No kidding? Is that true, Tomoko?
× I totally agree.
× You know where I'm coming from.
× Oh, come on, Hiroshi.
丸暗記が最速 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ Where are you? Oh, Where is he?
○ Are you tired?
× Oh, come on, Hiroshi.
× You can say that again.
× Everything counts.
丸暗記が最速 リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
× It happens to the best of us.
× What went wrong?
○ Pull yourself together.
○ She just keeps talking!
○ Oh, come on, Hiroshi.
○ Enough!
○ I blew it.
× It's too late to do anything.
○ Oh, forget it!
○ Go on.