Liz caught the bouquet the bride tossed after the wedding ceremony.
"To the young couple!" All the guests raised their glasses and toasted the newlyweds.
Ken talked to Liz at his sister's wedding reception.
"I teared up when they exchanged their wedding vows," said Ken.
His sister's house was close to the venue of his wedding reception.
"It feels odd when they call us newlyweds because we've been together for more than a decade."
Your wedding vows were beautiful.
Thanks. It was hard to memorize them.
Ken's sister said, "I spent all day at the shop because a bride-to-be needs to find the perfect dress."
"Let me leave the newlyweds alone," said Ken. He then waved goodbye to the couple.
The couple was invited to Ken and Liz's wedding reception.
Where are the bride and groom?
They are in the dressing room.
The couple renewed their wedding vows on their 10th anniversary.