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TOEIC and TOEIC 🖍️🖍️
What do you want to implement?
I will implement those tools from February.
The museum displays a lot of different kinds of agricultural implements.
Our bank is implementing its new digital system to reduce paperwork.
Those countries have been faced to implement austerity measures.
💻 instrument:複雑で精密な道具
implement:ある目的や仕事のために用いる道具 (堅いイメージなので会話では多用しない)
📷Today's shot!
♪Oh, blue sky blue sky ....and white clouds and trees. We can enjoy the fresh air season.
‘I know’ your \才能/ 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ The performance showcased singing talent from around the world.
○ The game was a true exhibition of his talents.
食品🍋食器 de literacy delicacy? 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Life as a door-to-door salesman is no bowl of cherries.
○ He knows which side his bread is buttered on so he won't say no to being transferred to the main office in New York City.
× That's why politicians praise its virtues like motherhood and apple pie.
× That really does take the cake.
× It's not some new-fangled, flash-in-the-pan trend.
How nice shot!
The azure sky, white clouds, and fresh greenery can be cut out everywhere to make a picture.
♪Oh, blue sky blue sky ...は、チューリップの歌を思い出しました。
座布団 一枚で~す。
昨日は 肌寒かったですね。
青空とぽっかり浮かんだ白い雲に 木の葉が 映えていますね。
今日は 一週間の始まりです。
素敵なお時間を お過ごし下さいね。