L3(L11) Enjoy a "Do-nothing vacation" (2) +追加
take center stage 中心的な位置を占める 脚光を浴びる
make everything laid-back すべてをくつろげるものにする→くつろげる
laid-back (adj) のんびりした くつろいだ
The pandemic added ... → パンデミックが原因で
frontline (adj) : at the forefront of some activity, part of the main action or involved in the most advanced activity, you know, the latest technology, for example.
customer interaction 顧客対応、 顧客とのやりとり cf. ’22 L9-(1)
cf. interaction with customers have become ... ‘23L15-(3)
the chaos and restrictions of the pandemic パンデミックの大混乱と制約
can essentially do nothing ほとんど何もしないでいられる
essentially (adv) 基本的に / ほとんど だいたい
whirlwind tour [-wind] 慌ただしいツアー : Whirlwind uses the image of a storm and it means a lot of activity, very fast, rushing around. “”Whirlwind romance” is a common expression” meaning a romantic relationship that develops very quickly.
genuine downtime 純粋なオフな時間
downtime : Downtime can refer to periods when machinery is not operating. But here it means time for people to rest and relax, to not engage in work or other responsibilities.
have no set itinerary 決まった行動計画がない
embark on foodie tours グルメツアーに参加する
embark on ~に乗り出す ~に入る ~に従事する
Just being present in the moment. ただ、今その時を生きている
from place to place あちこち(に) あちらこちらに 点々と
labor over long to-do lists 長い「やることリスト」に労力を費やす
labor over (困難な仕事など)に取り組む : To labor over something is to work hard to make it good, really put energy and effort into it. I imagine someone physically bent over, physically leaning over a project.
become ways to communicate status ~というステータスを伝える方法になる
communicate (vt) 伝える
cf. ’23年度 L15-(5) communicate this policy to all customers
is rarely the status indicator we’ve come to believe it ~は(指標)だと思われるようになっていましたが、その指標であることはほとんどない
where 関係詞 (先行詞:場所、状況、場合、局面、時代、点、段階など)
a paradise where relaxation takes center state
a break where they can essentially do nothing
whirlwind tours where you try to cram five countries into seven days ...
opting for vacations where the main activity is nothing much at all
...is rarely the status indicator (that) we’ve come to believe it is.
関係代名詞略(主格 be動詞の補語)← 主格補語だから主格扱い cf. SVOC 目的格補語 (ロイヤルP.275 、英語のしくみ~真野先生p.112)