ラジオ英会話 Lesson25
The big guy in front of the door wearing a leather jacket is kenjiro.
The big guy + in front of the door + wearing a leather Jaket // is kenjiro.
He practices karate. Why don't you talk to him? you'll make good friends.
He practices / karate.
Why don't you / talk to him?
You'll make good friends.
It says you should be careful of deer and other animals when driving.
It says / you should be careful of / deer and other animals / when driving.
※ It says 〜 が重要。
We may be able to see them from our hotel room. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
We + may be able to see them / from our hotel room.
Let's / keep our fingers crossed.
※may be able to 〜「〜できるかもしれない 」。は、まとめて覚える。