taste 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× The wine is prized for its delicate taste.
× This peach tastes so sweet!
○ It tastes amazing!
○ It's an acquired taste.
○ But once you cook them, they taste like fresh-baked ones.
○ It tastes sweet but a little spicy.
○ He has very discriminating taste in wine.
× I actually tasted those grapes.
○ Have a taste. How do you like it?
× What does it taste like?
○ It tastes amazing.
○ Can I taste it?
○ That tie is not to my taste.
○ He has good taste in clothes.
お天気について 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ It's letting up.
○ The wind is picking up.
○ According to the weather forecast, it will improve today.
○ The sun is coming out.
○ It's too hot and muggy.
○ I wish this rain would go away.
○ It's really hot, isn't it?
○ The temperature reached 34 degrees today.
○ The weather should be fair all week.
○ It's a bright sunny day.
自分用英語表現集 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
× You have to keep a close eye on them.
○ Thank you for flying with us today.
○ How is it different?
○ That's very nice of you.
× Hold on a sec.
× Things haven't gone my way today.
ラジオ英会話 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ I need to get it done by tomorrow.
○ Was this painted by an artist?
○ I'm having a good time, Anton.
○ He should be back by noon.
○ Practicing is the only way to get better.
○ Yes, I should be able to read it.
○ Would you turn down the volume for a second?
○ Run faster, or we'll be late!
○ Can you explain it to me?
× Please, I'm getting bored with your strange humor.
taste 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ What does it taste like?
○ I actually tasted those grapes.
自分用英語表現集 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ How is it different?
× You have to keep a close eye on them.
○ That's very nice of you.
○ Hold on a sec.
× Things haven't gone my way today.
○ Thank you for flying with us today.
taste 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× But once you cook them, they taste like fresh-baked ones.
○ This peach tastes so sweet!
○ I actually tasted those grapes.
× He has very discriminating taste in wine.
○ Can I taste it?