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丸暗記が最速 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ What happened?
× This is it.
× So do I.
× It's up to you.
× Oh, forget it!
× I disagree.
× Calm down.
× I can't help it.
× Shoot.
× It's about time you came.
× No doubt about it.
× Couldn't agree more.
○ I'm positive.
× You're strong enough to lift it.
× I still like this one better.
○ I was almost late.
× It'll come to me.
× I'm all ears too.
× One thing's for sure.
× That sounds great!
まるごと1年分!「英会話タイムトライアル(2016)」全142フレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× I'd like a new one, if possible.
× I'm sorry but I'm not interested.
× Shall I draw a map?
× Can you join us?
× I'll have ice water for now.
× Let's ask over there.
× I'll carry this bag myself.
× My son saw the Prime Minister in person.
× News about politics is still hard for me.
○ How was your weekend?
× I'm starving. Let's eat!
× Do you fly often?
× You look blue... What's the matter?!
× That's a cute penguin, isn't it?
× By the way, I'm Steve.
○ That text at the top of the screen is breaking news.
× When was the last time that you checked your email?
× It's so big.
× See you around.
× It's about a quarter past seven.