英会話タイムトライアル2024 11月DAY6
1 Tell me about you.
2 Tell me about your family.
3 Where do your parents live?
4 My parents live in a place called Higashimachi.
5 My sister and her husband live with my parents.
6 How's everyone in your family doing?
7 Good. How's everyone in your family doing?
8 How's everyone in your office doing?
9 Same as usual. How's everyone in your office doing?
英会話タイムトライアル2024 11月DAY7
1 What's the big news story in Iceland now?
2 The big news story in Iceland is the Novel peace prize.
3 The big news story in Japan is the election.
4 Is this tournament a big news story in Europe?
5 That's a big news story in Japan, too.
6 It's not really a big news story in Japan.
7 Is J-pop big in Iceland?
8 This band is so big in Japan.
9 Their song was used in a car commercial.