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Efficiently Organize Your Chest Freezer With These 5 Tips
Using a dry erase board to keep track of your inventory will make it easier to keep this extra storage space tidy.
If you have a deep freezer(深型の冷凍室), also known as a chest freezer(チェストフリーザーとも言う), you know how hard it can be to find an organizing system that works. Unlike a pantry or refrigerator, these types of freezers typically don't have built-in shelving, which makes it difficult for you to see your inventory(食材). But with a few simple solutions and regular maintenance, you can easily streamline your deep freezer and make it a space you don't dread storing food in.
* 当分、食材を買うのはやめようと昨日、思って、早くも今日、挫折。私は調理が必要な食物を買うのが好きみたい(^^;) 中毒症状あり。