Level 2 復習ワークブック
1⃣How many bages do you have?
いくつ持っているかをたずねるーHow many+名詞の複数形~?
2⃣How was the flight?
~はどうだった?How was~?
3⃣How far is the house from here?
どれくらい離れているかたずねる How far is ~?
4⃣ I hope that my dream will come true.
I hope + that 文
5⃣You have some time to adjust.
some time to 動詞の原形 (何をするための時間なのかを説明)
6⃣Sounds good.
Sounds +形容詞のパターン。
7⃣Where should we go first?
【どこへ~しようか?】と相談する Were shold we~?
8⃣I'm excited about starting school tomorrow.
I'm eexcited about+動名詞のパターン
9⃣You like horoscopes, don't you?
~、don't you? 同意を求める。
🔟Should I bring something?
Should I ~?相手にアドバイスを求めたり、確認したりする。
📚I borrowed two books.
One is "英語のお話絵本." Another is "ローマの休日."
I feel like I'm a hero of a novel. I wish I could be like them.