data sovereignty services データを国外に移さず国内で管理
Rest assured.we are working diligently to resolve the issue.
Let’s straighten things out and prevent this from occurring .
That wasn’t my intention.そんなつもりではなかった。
Misunderstanding often involves shared responsibility.
The recent earthquake caused significant damage, but fortunately, there were no fatalities. 最近recentとは、比較的近い過去に起こったことを意味します。
最近と比較して最後last とは、最も最近の時間または出来事です。
Recent means it happened in the relatively near past. “He moved here a month ago and recently joined our gym.”
Last, relative to recent, is the most recent time or occurrence. “He was the last person who has joined the gym.”
Today, we had a class reunion at school and I had a lot of conversations with old friends.