次の日My boss asked me to lunch.But I had to do household chores so I turned it down.
It's incredible to think that these animals lived millions of years ago.(何万年も前に生きていたなんてすごいことだね)
Some think dinosaurs were as colorful as certain birds as today.(ある鳥のようにカラフルだった説がある)
I wonder how they became extinct.(どうやって絶滅してしまったんだろうね)
The main theory is that an asteroid hit the earth.This changed the climate and dinasours died out.(小惑星が地球に衝突したことが原因という説が有名。その衝突によって異常気象となって死滅した)
I feel like I am re-living the past.(なんだか過去からよみがえったみたい)