買い物で使えるフレーズ集 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ My local supermarket now gives away reusable shopping bags instead of the usual throwaway kind.
○ Can I try these on?
○ The store is offering big price reductions.
○ I was sure you'd bought it at some upscale designer boutique.
○ You aren't allowed to use plastic shopping bags for burnable garbage in Fujisawa.
控えめな提案 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Let me play devil's advocate, though.
○ Let me tell you briefly what happened.
○ Why don't you take a bite?
○ Why don't you try asking him?
○ Do you feel like eating out tonight?
英会話上級 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Global warming may be entirely out of our control.
○ And to be frank with you, the things they talked about at the party - boring!
○ Too bad we have to wrap up this round so early.
○ Those all sound like good reasons to me.
○ I carried on traveling around Asia.
驚きを表す表現 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ How interesting!
○ How nice of you to think of me!
○ How I wish I could see you soon!
○ What a coincidence!
○ How attractive she looks!