zokkonさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ He's the boss in name only.
○ You seem to be happy.
○ We aim to acquire 500,000 new customers.
○ Why don't they text me?
○ Reading such a Review about my book made me boil with anger.
○ Do you have any antiseptic solutions?
○ The mayor’s strong leadership eased fears during the crisis.
○ I'd like to suggest a solution.
○ Going up?
○ What a nuisance.
○ This is the ring which Mary wants to buy.
○ How do I look?
○ I ran seven kilometers this morning.
○ Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
○ You can't tackle the problem alone.
○ Where is the departure gate?
○ I can't say.
○ We target reaching one million dollars.
○ Oh wait, hold on. I've changed my mind.
○ Go ahead and say it.