zokkonさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ Yes, you may enter.
○ We are committed to quality in all aspects of our business.
○ Smelling the sea air has made me homesick.
○ You're not serious, are you?
○ Going up?
○ All aboard?
○ She's got talent. I can tell.
○ We aim to acquire 500,000 new customers.
○ My family likes to have a Halloween party every year.
○ The intensive English class meets five days a week, for eight hours a day.
○ The truth is (that) I don't like fish very much.
○ I'm completely full.
○ You're making one excuse after another.
○ Thanks for everything.
○ Let me get ready.
○ It's just that everything turned out so perfectly it's almost hard to believe.
○ The doctor said I need more tests before he can diagnose the problem properly.
○ Billy has wet his bed again!
○ Do you take this credit card?
○ Red lacquerware is equally common. In ancient times, red was believed to be an auspicious colour that kept away evil spirits and brought good luck.