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〇NEWS Earth's 2017 resource 'budget' spent by next week—report
[AFP, 07/26]
Humanity will have used up its allowance of planetary resources such as water, soil, and clean air for all of 2017 by next week, said a report Tuesday.
Earth Overshoot Day will arrive on August 2 this year, according to environmental groups WWF and Global Footprint Network. This is a day earlier than in 2016.
It means humanity will be living on credit for the rest of the year.
By August 2, 2017, we will have used more from Nature than our planet can renew in the whole year, the groups said in a statement.
This means that in seven months, we emitted more carbon than the oceans and forests can absorb in a year, we caught more fish, felled more trees, harvested more, and consumed more water than the Earth was able to produce in the same period.
The equivalent of 1.7 planets would be required to produce enough to meet humanity's needs at current consumption rates.
Calculated since 1986, the grim milestone has arrived earlier each year.
In 1993, it fell on October 21, in 2003 on September 22, and in 2015 on August 13.
Greenhouse gas emissions from burning coal, oil and gas make up 60 percent of mankind's ecological footprint on the planet, said the groups.
There was some good news. While coming earlier every year, the advance of Earth Overshoot Day has slowed down, said the statement.
Individuals can contribute to stopping, and eventually reversing, the trend by eating less meat, burning less fuel, and cut back on food waste, said the report.
〇基礎3 Lesson 064 Who wants to have some fun?
I fogot how big this place is.
Amber: だからここに来るとすごく楽しいのよ。いつも何か新しいものがあるもの。
That’s why it’s so much fun to come here. There’s always something new.
Sarah: たしかにそうね。I’ll bet.
Amber: うわー。私たちついに最上級生よね。
Wow. So we’re fainally seniors, huh?
Sarah: そうよ。今年を有意義なものにしましょう。
I know. Let’s make this year count.
Amber: もちろん。卒業が待ち遠しいわ、そうしたら旅行したり、マンガを描いたりでき
Of course. I can’t wait to graduate so I can travel and draw manga. I want to make people happy with my works.
Sarah: あなたならできるわ。頑張ってね。
You can do it, Amber. Just keep at it.
Amber: ええ…ねえ! 勉はどこ? Yeah...hey! Whre’s tsutomu?
Sarah: 新谷だ!勉! Oh no! Tsutomu!
Tsutomu:ここだよ! 君たちは歩くのがすごく速いね!ねえ!見て!
Here i am! You guys walk so fast! Oh! Look!
Amber:ええ。 ニコロデオン・ユニバースよ。楽しみたいひとは?
Yes. Nickelodeon Universe. Who wants to have some fun?
Sarah and
Tsutomu : Me!
.◆Grammar 関係副詞Why
That’s why it’s so much fun to come here.
☑That’s why….は「それが~の理由だ」「そういうわけで~なのだ」という決まり文句