基礎英語3 2月9日火曜日
■There’s a massage from Mrs. Gill.
□What was the massage from Sam’s mom?
She said she sent their reference letters yesterday to a Mr. Brown at The Thames post and the someone will their university in a couple of days.
正解→She sent their reference letters yesterday to a Mr. Brown at The Thames post and that someone will their university in a couple of days.
・application 申し込み
□Can you guess?
☆What kind of reference letters do you think Sam’s mom wrote?
J→I think she wrote good one saying nice things about Tino and Johan.
B→Writing reference letters is a nice opportunity to compliment someone you know.
K→Ben, what would you say if you are writing a reference letter for Janica?
B→I would say Janica is an intelligent and motivated person.
She can communicate very well, and can think quickly in difficult situation.
J→Wow, thanks Ben.
K→OK, Janica, what would you say if you are writing a reference letter for Ben?
J→I would say Ben is a picture perfect gentleman. 絵にかいたような完璧な紳士。
Honestly I’ve never met someone as well manner and considerate as him.
He is also hardworking and intelligent.
B→Oh, thanks, Janica.
※単語・compliment 賛辞 お世辞
Kimiho→I think she wrote good one.
Because she knows they are hardworking and they always try to research anything they are interested in.
☆She’d like us to know that she sent our reference letters yesterday to a Mr. Brown at The Thames Post and that someone will call our university in a couple of days.
“a Mr. Brown” a + 固有名詞で「~という人」の意味を表します。
例:ブラウンさんという方から電話です。You have a call from a Mr. Brown.
□It’s your turn.
There’s a message from Paul.
He’d like to know you that he passed his math test.
→Thanks! That’s great news!
There’s a massage from Fiona.
She’d like you know that she got the job.
→Thanks! That’s great news!
There’s a massage from Liz.
She’d like you know that she graduated.
→Thanks! That’s great news!