I should've explained more thoroughly.
What more could you ask for?
That's easy for you to say.
There's safety in numbers.
You have your mother's eyes.
suggest ~ ・・・・してはどうかと控えめに提案するイメージ
ほのめかす 示唆する
propose ~ suggestに比べると積極的に提案するイメージ
Everything's going smoothly. すべて順調です
We request that you keep exporting. 輸出を続けて下さるようにお願いします
I'm sorry. Let me say it again. すみません。言い直させてください
July. That is the correct month. 7月です。それが正しい月です。
utmost ~ 最大限の 極度の with the utmost pleasure この上もなく喜んで
with one's utmost effort 出来る限り努力して
the utmost ~ 最大限 極度 do one's utmost 全力を尽くす
I did my utmost to pleasure my parents. 私は両親を喜ばせるために
英訳テスト - 結果
○ I'm the person who can help you.
○ Thank you for your hard work.
○ I won't argue with that.
○ What are you talking about?
○ Do you hear the difference?