teaさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ The train was very slow, which was fine because I could enjoy the view.
○ Be my guest.
× Could you put them in separate bags?
○ Can you answer the phone?
○ What kind of work do you do?
○ My sister e-mailed me today.
○ It's like clockwork.
○ I still like this one better.
× I'll make us some tea.
× Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to step on your toes. Are you OK?
日常会話での一言 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× What went wrong?
○ Calm down.
× We'll be done in no time.
○ Hang in there!
○ Let's kiss and make up.
今日のテストは 前置詞がききとれず。はぁ~
It's fine now.
I'll clean my house today.
it's sunny today. または the weather is fine today. がいいと思います。
あと,clean のあとには up が入りますよ。
ナチュラルな感じを出すには,so でつないでみるといいです。
today the weather is very good, so i will clean up my house!なんていうのはいかがでしょう?