"ニュースで英会話"のフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ The weather conditions will continue to deteriorate in the afternoon.
will continue to deteriorate ますます悪くなっていくでしょう
○ We agree in principle. We just have to hammer out the details.
principale 原則
hammer out 物を槌で打って作る (詰める)
私たちは原則には同意しています 後は詳細を詰めるだけです
英語の勉強方法に関しての本が本屋の棚に沢山並んでいる. どれを取って見ても面白いし
ためになりそうである 英語で言うとHow to study English,!
例えば外出して良い天気なら It's a fine day isn't it?
そして道にたばこの吸い殻が落ちていたら Someone who was walking on the street has no manners at all. ショピングセンタ-に入ってク-ラがきていたら When I come in to a shopping center, I feel comfortable as an air-conditioner is running.
間違いだらけかも知れないけれど英語が直ぐに口から出る練習なのだから..... 後であ-こう言うんだったと判る時もある
There are a lot of books for how to study English are displaied
on the shelf in the book store. Each and every one give me
benefit and interest.
Recently, I put my ideas that what I feel and see change to an
English as soon as posible, like that. It's fine day isn't it.
Someone who was walking on the street has no manners at all.
When I come in to a shopping-center, I feel comfprtable as an
air-conditiner is running.
I may make a lot of mistake, but I can practice in English
that words come out of my mouth as soon as possible, And
sometimes I can understand a mistake what I said
I'm interested in learning English everyday.