すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ I'm very sorry to hear that you have been ill.
I'm sorry to hear that your father had gone.
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your wallet.
I'm sorry to hear that you have been pained in your back.
I'm sorry to hear that your plan was canceled.
I'm sorry to hear that you have been working over time this week.
I'm sorry to hear that you broke your leg.
I'm sorry to hear でお見舞いの言葉や慰めの言葉が言える
My diary
12月です 昨日からの雨が続いて小雨が降ったりやんだり一日中空も暗く、寒い日でした
今日は英会話の日 チョッとさぼりたかったけれど行きました 一週間に一度それもたった一時間だけの英語を使えるチャンスの日です 行けば少しは口慣らしもできます
今日は助動詞の使い方でした 知っているようで使いこなせていないのが判り勉強になりました
帰り、道草してドト-ルでコ-ヒタイム 天気は暗い感じの日だったけれど結構楽しめた日でした
It became December, It has been raining since last night, and change to a drizzle from this morning.
The sky was dark and the wether was cold.
I went to English conversation school though I didn't want to go there, because of raining and cold.
But It's a chance to be able to speak English in a week, so I went to there.
I can study auxiliary verb today. I admited that I couldn't use auxiliary berb
well, but I intend to known about it.
On the way back I droped in to the caffee shop to have a cup of coffee.
The weather was dark but I can enjoy studying and having coffee.
Today was goodday for me.