It was distributed a message that cistern tank cleaning at the first day of November from 13pn to 16pm. After cleaning it the tap water running red color. So must leave the water for a while the nowing was in the mail box today. I'm going to the crinic to be vaccinated against the flu the same day. But it will be OK if I was not at my room I do to to turn off a faucet. As we understood how thankful tap water running when we tuearn on the tap. We thought that it is natural that the right turn on and water running from the tap, but it wasn't natural. Because of a lot of people working to give them to us. We thought that's way it is. A comman sight in a town and an ordinary life is really happy. The destruction of the natural desaster by the NO tyhoon 19 thought us that a tyhoon will be biger and biger by global warming. I have to take care of our self when it happened around me.
Count my steps today....
(steps is 4358) (118 cal) (3.3km)
今日散歩数....4358歩。 118 カロリー 3,3キロ。
被災者の方 これから寒くなるし、心配ですね。