おとなの基礎英語(week6-10) 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ Do you fish?
○ How hot is it?
○ I can’t decide what to do!
× I was so sure I’d get it.
○ How can I turn down the air conditioner?
○ I need to focus.
× You’re lucky that you have this job.
× I feel like I can do anything.
○ Have you ever been to Japan?
× Does that include breakfast?
おとなの基礎英語(week6-10) リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ How did you two meet?
○ You’re lucky that you have this job.
○ I need to focus.
○ It’s much easier than I thought.
○ I feel like I can do anything.
○ I was so sure I’d get it.
○ I was looking for you over there.
○ What is it good for?
○ Do you fish?
○ How can I turn down the air conditioner?
しごとの基礎英語(Week3) 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Nice to meet you. Call me Marina. Here is my card.
× Please. Can you tell us anything more specific?
○ Would you show me where I can dispose of these plastic bottles?
× I'm sorry, but I need to get back. Please excuse me.