☆ 今朝の外務省
◇ 【CNNのニュース記事より】
Munitions made in the United States were used in the deadly Israeli strike on a displacement camp in Rafah on Sunday, a CNN analysis of video from the scene and a review by explosive weapons experts has found.
At least 45 people were killed and more than 200 others injured after a fire broke out following the Israeli military’s strike on the outskirts of Gaza’s southernmost city, most of them women and children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry and Palestinian medics.
【日本語記事】(First Paragraph)
(CNN) パレスチナ自治区ガザ地区最南部ラファの難民キャンプが26日に受けたイスラエル軍の空爆で、米国製の爆弾が使われていたことが、現場映像の分析で明らかになった。
Bei dem tödlichen israelischen Angriff auf ein Flüchtlingslager in Rafah am Sonntag wurde in den USA hergestellte Munition verwendet, wie eine CNN-Analyse von Videomaterial vom Tatort und eine Überprüfung durch Sprengstoffexperten ergeben hat.
Le munizioni prodotte negli Stati Uniti sono state utilizzate nel mortale attacco israeliano di domenica contro un campo di sfollati a Rafah, come ha rilevato un'analisi della CNN sui video della scena e una revisione da parte di esperti di armi esplosive.
■ イスラエルはジェノサイド集団ですが、それを支援するアメリカも同罪です。