お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× Water is the most important element of wasabi cultivation, and a great deal of water is needed because wasabi absorbs nutrients from it.
× I'm holding back the tears.
× An expected shipment of 1,000 USB flash drives is past due.
× I think reports of the demise of the old-style bookshop are greatly exaggerated.
× How did you end up in New York?
× I did so-so on the test today.
× Don't give it a second thought.
× I'm getting the jitters.
× He always blames things on other people.
× Give me a little breathing room.
× Let me get this straight.
○ The streets here are all one-way.
× I have butterflies in my stomach.
× Wasabi grows naturally in mountainous areas, and it’s cultivated in the same kind of environment.
× We've got a lot of catching up to do.
× This is appalling!
× Do you work out often?
○ We're coming!
× Imagine yourself to be in my place.
○ I am very sorry that we sent you the products in the wrong color.