Little Charo 2 Episode 9
memento of me 形見
It was Shota who found me when I had no one. 翔太は僕を拾って育ててくれ た。
that band on Charo's leg チャロの足輪
speak to 声をかける (声をかけるっていつも迷う表現です)
call out to 声をかける (こんな言い方もありね。少し離れた所から声をか けるのかな)
Kanon fights back her tears. カノンは涙をこらえた。(これも覚えたい表現)
Little Charo 2 Episode 8
I'm getting really sleepy. 眠くなってきた
Charo falls into a deep sleep. 深い眠りに落ちた
Now that I think of it, someone told me that that fruit makes you sleepy.
Charo just sleeps on in the park. 眠り続けた
You're still half asleep. まだ寝ぼけている
Charo falls back to sleep. 再び眠りにつく
Mini は面白いね。