"All right,hop on my back."
And Drippy slid onto the pigeon's
back and the pigeon rose into the air
and landed on the top of the statue of
the saint. On the ground below,a little
girl was throwing corn on the ground for
the pigeons.
"I want to get some of that corn,"
Drippy's pigeon friend told him. "You
wait here." And he sat Drippy down on
the top of the statue.
Drippy watched as the pigeon
swooped dawn and began pecking at the
corn. Drippy leaned forward so that he
could get a better look. Suddenly,he
lost his balance. With a scream, he
found himself falling into a tiny crack on
the statue's head. Down,down,down
Drippy tumbled through the darkness.
He was trapped inside the fuge statue.