○ Todaiji’s treasure house, Shosoin, contains countless items that reveal Japan’s long history of interaction with other countries. /english/phrase/23847?m=1
○ Todaiji is an enormous Buddhist temple in Nara, Japan’s ancient capital. /english/phrase/23840?m=1
○ It's true that profits are down, but I don't think it's a cause for concern. /english/phrase/27101?m=1
○ Because Todaiji boasts such a long history, it presents a fine overview of the history of Buddhist sculpture in Japan. /english/phrase/23843?m=1
○ These Kongo-rikishi statues were created by Unkei and Kaikei―master sculptors of Buddhist statues who lived around 800 years ago. /english/phrase/23845?m=1