お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ I need to see vocabulary words written down because I'm a visual learner.
nickさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ He refused to name the person who caused the accident.
○ You don't stand a chance.
○ We accomplished the tasks by working together with the IT team.
○ She resigned after 35 years on the police force.
○ I am very sorry that we sent you the products in the wrong color.
○ It's not fair to give her special treatment.
○ Please drive carefully at dusk.
○ I'd like to explore the Big Apple.
○ Well, you know the old saw about every crisis being an opportunity in disguise.
○ My mother didn't even mention that she was planning a trip to Hawaii.
○ Sorry, my schedule for tomorrow is totally filled with appointments.
○ We are aware of the situation.
○ The citizens group demand that the mayor resign.
○ We're making progress, but a lot remains to be done.
○ He displayed his anger openly at the meeting.
○ He always tries to take credit for other people's work.
○ Many leaders try to seem larger than life and incapable of making a mistake.
○ The European Union uses a common currency.
○ I'm craving ice cream right now.
○ Good soccer players can balance the ball on top of their head.