keroyon0617さんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ Please don't trouble yourself.
○ I got you a box of doughnuts.
× What volume are we talking about?
× I will go over the main points here.
○ Who's speaking?
○ Let me expand on that point.
○ He doesn't have to brag.
○ The restaurant that he chose is really nice.
○ Never a dull moment.
○ They lived happily ever after.
keroyon0617さんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ That's it?
○ I'll give you until Friday to turn it in.
○ He always says one word too many.
○ Don't panic during an earthquake.
× Do it any way you like.
○ What a game-changer!
○ Let me sleep on it.
○ It's not clear what triggered his anger.
○ Actually, in Britain, dancing is as popular as football!
× When negotiations start, we'll see what the other side brings to the table.
keroyon0617さんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
× Annie is three years older than us.
○ Both countries pledged to respect the peace treaty.
○ She never wears any makeup.
○ Speaking of tall things, there’s a very tall tower in Tokyo.
○ Everyone, thank you for coming to The Basics' 30th anniversary concert!
○ It's west of Greenwich.
× Bull's - eye!
○ Read me the book about the space station.
× Isn't that just like him?
○ But it's a very rewarding lifestyle.
keroyon0617さんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
× What's it been since we last met?
× My wife is extremely tidy.
× The puppy had a face that would melt your heart.
○ He weighs twice as much as you.
○ To your right.
○ I have a question.
× Where shall we meet?
× Don't get me wrong, but that color doesn't do you justice.
○ These(=<i>Nyorai</i>) are beings who have attained enlightenment.
× She grew increasingly frustrated by his irresponsible attitude.