・その夜は両親がいなかったので子供たちは羽を伸ばしていた⦅自由に楽しんだ⦆ :Their parents were not at home that night, so the children enjoyed themselves freely [ went on the loose].
・たまには羽を伸ばすのもいい。:It's good to unwind once in a while.
・unwind【自動】緊張が解ける, くつろぐ(relax).
up next:《be ~》《ゴルフ》スタートが次である、次にスタートする
・He's up next!:次は彼の番です!
・The euro debuts this month as coin of the realm in Europe.:今月ユーロがヨーロッパの法貨としてデビューする。
・It debuted over the weekend on what seemed to be a successful first day.
bequeath【他動】かたく⦆ 〖~(A) B/B (to A)〗 (遺言などによって)(A〈人〉に)B〈動産〉を残す, 譲る; (A〈後世の人〉に)B〈知識・制度・慣習など〉を残す, 伝える
・President Biden is bequeathing his successor a nation that by many measures is in good shape, even if voters remain unconvinced.
tome【noun】a book, and especially a very large, thick, often scholarly book
・We picked up a tome on the Ghana Empire for our history project.