Q4. ぱっと意味がとりづらいセンテンス。
He’s not making any sense at all.
・ not making any sense
《be ~》ちんぷんかんぷんだ、支離滅裂だ、理屈になってない
・ You are not making any sense to me.
・ You're not making any sense.
Facebookディクテーションテスト2013年01月02日(水)版(No.575) - 結果
Q1 Don't run in the hallway.
○ Don't run in the hallway.
Q2 It doesn't really matter when your birthday is.
○ It doesn't really matter when your birthday is.
Q3 By the way, who do you like?
○ By the way, who do you like?
Q4 He’s not making any sense at all.
○ He's not making any sense at all.
Q5 Please don't raise your voice. I'm standing right next to you.
○ Please don't raise your voice. I'm standing right next to you.
make senseは確かに「なるほど」とかで使えるみたいです。