shell8131さんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Deleting the spam I receive every day is really a chore.
○ Well, if you insist. That's so kind of you.
× It's on the tip of my tongue.
× Same goes for my email and other messages.
○ Does that coat keep you warm?
バーバチャンさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ May I ask you a question?
○ That makes my day!
○ Let's take five here.
○ Nikko has a famous waterfall and a famous shrine.
○ I met her at a cafe in Ginza.
miona-chanさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ Something's weird.
× The long, thin noodles are considered auspicious. By eating them, people wish for longevity and good fortune for their families.
× You're moving up in the world!
× So, Shota, how are you enjoying our new improved Summer Fridays?
× There was a reporter who covers the police beat on one of the big dailies, and a dietitian.
ちえさんさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× Could you gift-wrap it?
× Take your time.
× You have your hands full.
○ I'll tell you where to go.
○ Where are we?
mooさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Many people find it next to impossible.
× I'm reluctant to sign the contract before reading the fine print.
○ Shall we move on to the next topic?
× I'm on it.
○ You're exactly what I was looking for.