shell8131さんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Whew, the thought of wasting money sure woke you up in a hurry.
○ How's your schedule for next week?
○ Who is it?
× That's putting it mildly.
○ Can we talk a bit?
miona-chanさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ Excuse me, where's the nearest café?
× Becky Norton was doing time for auto theft.
× Let's save that for later.
× Miranda, I know you had your heart set on the fishing trip.
× Yes, it also comes in brown.
バーバチャンさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× This manuscript has so many mistakes it looks like a first draft.
× My head feels as if it would burst!
○ I'm proud of you.
× Hold your horses, Sue.
○ The pleasure is all mine.
ちえさんさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× Nolan is a lot smarter than he seems, Azusa.
× Can you deliver this message to Bill, please?
× I'm off this morning.
× Do you know where it is?
× Would you turn right at the next intersection?
自己紹介 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× My hobby is to collect matchboxes.
× This is the sound that makes me happy.
× I'm not good with computers.
× I owe you many things.
× I've heard a lot about you.
mooさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Evening Star, Hot Planet, Shining Venus...
○ Much appreciated.
× People no longer think it's a problem to sit opposite an empty seat.
× Wednesday works for me.
× One very important characteristic of my generation is that we want to always be learning and improving, and adding to our skill set.