

"“I don’t believe in aliens, but if you see enough articles about aliens visiting Earth, you start to think ‘Who knows, maybe the government is hiding something.’”"
RIMTAUTAS CERNIAUSKAS, the director of Lithuania’s National Cyber Security Center, regarding disinformation planted by hackers.

DECEMBER 11, 2016

(1)Trump, Mocking Claim That Russia Hacked Election, at Odds with G.O.P.
Mr. Trump’s team lashed(打ちのめす) out at intelligence agencies after The Washington Post reported that the C.I.A. believed that Russia had intervened to undercut Hillary Clinton.
・Trump Widens Rift(溝) With Russia Experts Over Hacking
An unusual breach has emerged between President-elect Donald J. Trump and intelligence officials who believe that Russia interfered with the election.
・Legislators from both parties vowed to investigate the claims after reports of a C.I.A. assessment that Russia did interfere. ロシアが介入したというCIA報告の後、両党議員たちは調査を約束した。

(2)Rex Tillerson, Exxon Chief, Is Expected to Be Pick for Secretary of State
Mr. Tillerson’s extensive deal-making around the world has engendered(発生させる) close ties with a number of world leaders, including President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

(3)Democrats Hone(磨きあげる) a New Message: It’s the Economy, Everyone
As the Democratic Party rebuilds after the election, the emerging strategy is to focus on economic fairness, but not revise stances on other issues.

(4)How the Twinkie(ホモ) Made the Superrich Even Richer
Behind the financial maneuvering at Hostess, an investigation by The New York Times found a blueprint(計画を立てる) for how private equity executives have amassed(寄せ集める) some of the greatest fortunes of the modern era.

(5)Foes(敵、反対者) of Russia Say Child Pornography Is Planted to Ruin Them
A K.G.B. dirty trick known as “kompromat,” the fabrication of compromising or illegal material, may have returned in a particularly noxious(有害な) form.

(6)An Alt-Right Makeover(改造) Shrouds(隠す) the Swastikas(カギ十字)
A movement of many factions is trying to change its image now that its profile has risen, but its message — one of racial separation and supremacy — is unchanged.

(7)Confronting Racist Objects 身の周りにある人種差別的な小物(写真)
Millions of racist objects sit in the homes of everyday Americans. Here are some of your stories about reconciling(調整する), reclaiming and reinterpreting them. 差別っぽいので、写真の小物を身の周りに置くのをためらう、、、

* 黒人召使いの小物

* 首がとれたユダヤ人の民族衣装を着た小物

* 赤い帽子を被ってウンチをする黒い動物の小物
had his pants down(ズボンを下げている)、was pooping(うんちをする)

* 白い服と帽子を被った中国人の形をした搾り器
citrus(柑橘類) squeezer(搾り器)

During his brief time on the island of Oahu, he paid a formal visit to the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific(1951年、吉田首相は国立平和記念墓地を公式訪問していた), a mountaintop shrine dedicated to American war dead, and, it now appears, made a less public stop at Pearl Harbor. A search of Japanese newspaper archives turned up a 1951 dispatch(至急報) from the daily Yomiuri Shimbun(読売新聞によって報じられていた). The newspaper reported that the premier had indeed gone to the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. No ceremonies or other public events appear to have taken place while Mr. Yoshida was at the base(セレモニーや公式イベントは行われなかった). Only 10 years after the surprise attack, a Japanese leader making a splashy(目立つ) appearance there could have stirred(記憶を呼び覚ます) resentment in the United States. Mr. Yoshida, who died in 1967, told a Yomiuri reporter who was traveling with him that the experience had left him “moved.”


60-Second Civics: Episode 2731, Five Rules of Justiciability(司法判断適合性)
Do you know the five rules(5つのルール) of justiciability? You will after this podcast.
Which of the following is not one of the five rules of justiciability?
a. The Supreme Court issues advisory opinions.
b. The Supreme Court avoids deciding political questions. ←2
c. Parties to a case must have standing(訴えの利益) to sue. ←3
d. The Court avoids making constitutional decisions. ←5
Nicely done! Choice a is correct.

① 勧告的意見(advisory opinion)を出さない。
② 政治問題は判断しない。立法行政府の方が適切だと考えるものは、non justiciable
③ 当事者が訴えの利益をもつこと。法的利害が衝突し、一方が侵害されたと訴える場合
④ 事件の ripiness(成熟性)があること。未熟なら、行政的な措置をとるべき。
 そもそも nootness(争訟性を欠くこと)や論争がない場合も、判断しない。
⑤ 法令の適用でことを解決できるなら、憲法解釈をして解決を目指すことを回避する。






