Experts: Concern on Tokyo resurgence of over 1,000 NHK WORLD -JAPAN 9 hours ago
In Tokyo, officials are struggling with another surge in new cases of the coronavirus. Exoerts worry that 4 weeks from now, there could be more than 1,000 new cases a day.
Tokyo health officials confirmed 673 new cases on Thursday. That is up 103 from the same day last week.
It also marks a week-on-week increase for a 12th straight day.
Disease Control and Prevention Center Director Ohmagari Norio said, " Considering the increased foot traffiic and the virus variants, cases are likely to increase faster than during the third wave earlier this year."
Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko attended the meeting virtually from her home.
She was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday after being treated for fatigue.
Koike said, " I ask people again to cooperate with the Tokyo government in curbing foot traffic at night, strictly following measures to reduce infection risk and to work remotely."
As offficials continue to ramp up the vaccine rollout, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsunobu says the government plans to staert issuing documents to certify coronavirus vaccinations in late July. They are more often known as vaccine passports.
The business community has been calling for them, as they will allow for oother business travel overseas.
Local municipalities will issue hard copies of the certificates to residents with valid passports. The government is considering digital certificates for the future.