すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ Do you have a moment to take a brief survey?
○ I'm having trouble walking.
○ The reporter simply approached people at random and asked them their opinion.
○ That's not always true.
○ I'll have a ham sandwich and a cup of coffee.
○ Please. Can you tell us anything more specific?
○ It's a sinking ship.
○ That's right.
○ I don't really know much about hybrids.
○ What is the "Lucky River Special"?
○ Why don't we revisit this issue next week?
○ My boss always steals my good ideas, so I don't get credit for them.
○ Would you please call a doctor?
○ We have Darjeeling, Assam, Earl Grey, and ...
○ The report examined the economic impact of the government's fiscal policy.
○ Hey, Libra, you've got great balance!
○ We have pound cake, sponge cake, chocolate cake, and wedding cake...
すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ 我很会做菜。
○ 你告诉我地址。
○ 樱花季节,这儿都是赏花的人。
○ 我听说日本人很爱自然。
○ 你想喝饮料吗?
○ 那来我家做吧。
○ 明天有空儿的话来我家吧。
○ 这儿的熊猫是中日友好的象征。
○ 裙子越短越显得腿漂亮。
○ 你来得真早。