〇Mars (part1)
How long is a day on Mars? Is it about …
BBC 6min.Eng. 3 Mar. 2016
Neil and Sophie discuss Mars. The fourth rock from the Sun is one of our nearest neighbours in space and for centuries there has been debate about whether there is life on the red planet.
Well, Mars is our closest neighbour in the solar system and the subject of today's show. And that brings me on to our usual quiz question. How long is a day on Mars? Is it about…
a) 5 hours?
b) 25 hours?
Or c) 45 hours?
And I think it must be Ç) 45 hours. Things are weird on other planets. And Mars is further from the sun than us… Mars may be our closest neighbour, but it's hardly in our backyard, is it?
*weird おかしい 奇妙な *hardly ほとんど…でない
It is in astronomical terms, Neil – it's visible to the naked eye – meaning without using instruments – and it's reachable by spacecraft. Well, we’ll find out later on in the show whether you got the answer right or not. Now can you tell me Neil why people like you get excited about the possibility of life on Mars?
Well, Mars is similar to the Earth in some important ways which means if life developed on our planet, why not Mars?
That's true. Its temperature is in the right zone – not too hot and not too cold. But actually we could find Mars pretty cold – an average temperature would be around minus 63 degrees Celsius compared to Earth's 14 degrees Celsius. It's also very arid – or dry.
And it needs to be wet for life to develop, doesn't it?
That's right. Many scientists think that liquid water is essential for life! But there may have been water on the surface of Mars in the past. And recent research suggests that there may be water underground. Let's hear some more about this from Professor John Zarnecki, who teaches Space Science at The Open University.
さて、火星は太陽系で最も近い惑星で、今日の番組のテーマなの。いつものクイズの質問をするわ。火星の1日はどのくらい?a) 5 hours?b) 25 hours?Or c) 45 hours?
Ç) 45 hours.に違いないと思う。状況は他の惑星とは違っている。そして火星は、わたしたちより太陽から遠いし、最も近いお隣かもしれないが、裏庭とは殆ど違うでしょう?
それを、天文用語では、ニール - 裸眼で見えるわ -メガネなしで -宇宙船で連絡可能よ。それでは、答えが正しいかどうかは、番組で明らかにしましょう。では、何故みんな、火星での生命の可能性についてワクワクしてるか分かる?
正解!温度がちょうどよい範囲で、暑くもなく寒くもない。しかし、実のところ火星は大変寒いことが分かったの。 平均気温はー63℃、地球は14℃。そして乾燥してるの。
Wow, look at all that food!
・やあ! こんにちは!
・うん。ジムにいるよ。 いつも日曜日の午前中、お昼ごはん前にジムに行くんだ。 ママは、帰ってきたらクイーンズ・バーガーに行くんだとおもっているよ!
・ママはおどろくんじゃ? まあ、あのすべての食べ物を見て!
・そうよ。 作りすぎたことを後悔しているわ。
・心配しないで、アニー。 ぼくは馬一頭食べられるくらいだよ。
・馬を一頭? ええ?
*Sam, can you pass me that bowl?
●pass ~を渡す
*Sure. Here you go. That must be the guy!
*Hi! Hello!
*Is your mom out, Sam?
*Yeah. She’s at the gym. She goes there every Sunday morning before lunch.
She thinks we’re going to Queen’s Burger after she gets home!
*Won’t she be surprised? Wow, look at all that food!
*Yeah. I regret making so much.
●regret …ing …した、することを後悔する ●regret to do ~して残念に思う
*Don’t worry, Annie. I could eat a horse!
●I could eat a horse 腹ペコです
*A horse? Huh?
*He means he’s really hungry, and he can eat a lot!
We use anmals in phrases.
ex. as busy as a bee , top dog 重要な人 , dark horse 隠れた人物
「regret + 動詞の~ing 形」~したことを後悔する・残念に思う
*regret + to 動詞の原形は「残念ながら~する」の意味になります。
regret は目的語に ing 形と to 不定詞のどちらもとれますが、意味が異なります。
*I regret doing that in the past.
➜ I am sorry that I did that.
*I regret to tell you that you failed in physics.
➜ I’m sorry that I have to tell you that you failed in physics.
*I regret breaking up with my girlfriend.
*I regret to tell you that your ex-girlfriend is dating a new boyfriend.
そうですね。映画も原題は[THE Martian]で、帰還できず永住かとも思ってましたが、人の強さが描けてました。