〇NEWS 1.4 million children face famine in four countries—UNICEF
[AFP Feb.21]
Almost 1.4 million children suffering from severe malnutrition could die this year from famine in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, the UN children's agency said Monday. UNICEF director Anthony Lake appealed for quick action. We can still save many lives, he said.
In Yemen, where war has been raging for nearly two years, 462,000 children are suffering from acute malnutrition while 450,000 children are severely malnourished in northeast Nigeria.
〇The Little Green Monster 「緑色の獣」(7)
Oh, no, I thought to myself. Can it read people’s minds? I hate to have anyone know what I’m thinking-especially when that someone is a horrid and inscrutable little creature like this. I broke out in a cold sweat from head to foot. What was this thing going to do to me? Eat me? Take me down into the earth? Oh, well, at least it wasn’t so ugly that I couldn’t stand looking at it. That was good. It had slender, pink little arms and legs jutting out from its green-scaled body and long claws at the ends of its hands and feet. they were almost darling, the more I looked at them. And I could see, too, that the creature meant me no harm.
Of course not, it said to me, cocking its head. Its scales clicked against one
another when it moved like crammed-together coffee cups rattling on a table
when you nudge it. What a terrible thought, madam: Of course I wouldn’t eat
you. No no no. I mean you no harm, no harm, no harm. So I was right:
It knew exactly what I was thinking.
◆Words and Phrases
horrid恐ろしいinscrutable 不可解な 、oh, well 「まあしょうがない」という口語表現 jutting out 突き出る darling 本当にかわいい(赤ちゃんや小動物)mean(人)no harmで「(人)に危害を加えるつもりはない」
crammed-together ぎゅうぎゅう詰めの rattling ガタガタ音を立てる
[英語で読む村上春樹 11月]
L-155 You've proven yourself 実力を証明したな
Y: お母さん!お父さん!僕の模試の結果を見てよ!
Mom! Dad! Look at my score from practice exam!
Wow ! This is impressive, Yukichi.
K: ユキチ、またあやまらなきゃならないな。実力を証明したな。整髪料が助けたから
I have to apologize again , Yukichi. You've proven yourself. It's not because you had that hair wax helping you out.
M: お母さんもお父さんもとても誇らしいわ。
We're so proud of you.
R: ユキチはついにチャンクバトルで私を倒しました!
Yukichi finally beat me at a chunk battle!
K: 何?もう一回言って?
Sorry ? Say that again?
R: チャンクバトルです。ユキチと私が編み出したのです。
It's a chunk battle. Yukichi and I created it.
Y: バトルではね、50個のチャンクが日本語でランダムに出題されるの、それでその
In the battle, 50 random chunks are presented in Japanese, and you have to say a sentence using the chunk in English within 5 seconds.
R: すべての英文を正しく作ることができたら、勝ちです。
If you can make all the English sentences correctly, you are a winner.
Mi: おもしろそう。私もやりたい!
It sounds fun. I want to try!
R: いいですよ、マイ。練習しに行きましょう!
OK, Mai. Let's go and practice!
K M Y: マイったら!
◆Words and Phrases
実力を証明する prove yourself、~で私を打ち負かす beat me at…
ランダムな random 、~以内に within
◆Can-do 聞き逃したり間違えたときに、確認、訂正ができる
Sorry ? Say that again?
☑Say that again?はWill you….?(~してくれますか?)が省略されていると考えると疑問詞がついているのがわかるでしょう。これも上げ調子で発音します。
You have to say a sentence using the chunk in English.
a sentence using the chunkで「そのチャンクを使っている文」という意味です。
sentenceという名詞を修飾するがusing the chunkとing形以外にも語句のある表現なので、こういう場合は(using以下が)後ろにくるのが基本です。
1. Pardon? 4.を短くしたもの
2. Sorry?/I’m sorry?
3. Excuse me?
4. I beg your pardon?
5. How’s that?