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scam artist: 詐欺師
pull a stunt:ペテンにかける
play a trick on:・・・をだます
size up the situation:状況を判断する
Tricia sized up the situation and decided not to get involved in the argument.
work just fine:ちゃんと正常に働く
oddly enough:奇妙な
Oddly enough, the restaurant got very few complaints about its higher prices.
take off like a rabbit:脱兎のごとく急いで去る
That’s quite a story:それはひどい話ですね。それはすばらしい話ですね。
bump into:要求する
feel like arguing:反論したい気分である
Helen spent the whole weekend grumbling about the bad weather.
That would do:それで十分だろう。
Peter put on a big display of histrionics, ranting about his devotion to the company.
course of action:一連の行動
under the circumstances:そういう状況下で
so-called victim:被害者と自称する人
be mugged:(路上などで)襲われて金品を奪われる
Noting is so firmly believed as what we least know.