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Thank you, Mr. Meyer. Mathiya vanakkam! I’m Kana from Tokyo. The Chinese character for “ka” has the connotation of “respectable,” while “na” means “beautiful,” so I’ll do my best to live up to my name.
Your enthusiasm and patience during the test run enabled us to move things forward. So thank you. I wish you every success. Over to you, Henry.
Thanks, Kana. Hi, everyone! I’m Henry from Texas. I think when people hear the word Texas, they think of cowboys, but in that sense, I’m probably the least Texan guy from my office! I’ve always been into my motorcycles and cars, so it’s great to see that passion here in Chennai, too.
The merger gave us new opportunities to broaden our activities. Chennai is certainly one of them, and I can’t wait to see the first Indian-made Iroha-Romano cars taking the world by storm!
I’ve always been into my motorcycles and cars.
I’ve been totally into jazz since I watched a live performance last year.
You mean you’re into watching airplanes taking off and landing?
I hear that you’ve been into playing futsal lately.