From here you can get an incredible view of the surrounding mountains.
My sister hates being enclosed in tight spaces.
Yesterday’s discussions encompassed a wide variety of topics.
Sometimes I pork my head out the window look up and say hello to the satellites.
I had so much fun at karaoke last night.
It was fun.
I had fun.
I’m not especially fond of celery.
I’m fond of cooking.
On payday I always indulge in online shopping.
I spent hours in the arcade trying to get a stuffed animal.
Kelly, how do you like living in LA? Quite a change from Japan, right?
You can say that again. I think I have reverse culture shock.
Well, anyway, you’ll start as host of the Kelly King Show next week.
Somehow that sounds strange. It was the Barry King Show for many years.
I like the sound of it.
Uncle Barry, how should I start the show? Do you have any good ideas?
How about coming on stage in roller skates and singing a song?
Any advice?
What would you advise me to do?
If you were me, what would you do?
What on earth should I do now?
What should I do now?
What do you suggest I do?
What’s a good course of action?
I don’t know how to handle the situation. I’d appreciate your advice.
I’m not sure I like any of these proposals. Do you have any good ideas?
My friend keeps coming over unannounced. If you were me, what would you do?
I want to improve my communication skills. I’d appreciate your advice.