ラジオ英会話(194)when, why
Hi, grandpa. Oh, you’re using a tablet.
Yes, I finally bought one.
Great. What are you doing on it?
I’m uploading some old photos.
Can I see?
Oh, that’s me when I was here before. My hair looks funny.
Do you remember the time when we went to Stonhenge?
Of course. We met Professor Peacock there by coincidence.
I was surprised you knew who he was.
Well, the reason why I did is because I’m interested in archaeology. 考古学
📌Do you remember the time when we went to Stonhenge?
There were a few times when you were late.
I still can’t forget the day / time / year/ moment (when / that) we met.
The reason (why /that ) I recognized him is because I’m interested in archaeology.
ブロッコリーが嫌いだったときがありました 今はしょっちゅう食べています
There was a time when I hated broccoli. Now I eat it all the time. 四六時中、ひっきりなしに
あなたは私を見て微笑みました それが、私があなたを好きになった瞬間でした
You looked at me and smiled. That was the moment when I fell in love with you.
おそらくあなたは、自分がここにいる理由を知りたいでしょう お座りください、説明しますよ
You probably want to know the reason why you’re here. Please, sit down and I’ll explain.
誰かが微笑んだ瞬間に恋に落ちるとか… Fall in Loveが出てくる歌もたくさんあります。
時々 雪がちらつくなんて 素敵ですね。